Mc-Donald vom Germanen Schloss (INT) "Max" is an active dual-purpose Police K-9. Matt imported Max from Germany for his outstanding drive, character and health for police work as well as his incredible breeding qualities. Impact Dogs then trained Max for police work and donated him to a nearby police agency. We continue to use Max in our breeding program. Hips and Elbows Good.
K9 Sarge is an active dual-purpose Police K-9. He is a product of Impact Dogs' breeding program (Raja x Delaj). Sarge is a very large and powerful short-haired sable, with great drive, stable nerves, and a social personality. Sarge was trained through Impact Dogs' Police K9 Academy and was donated to a nearby police agency. He is of imported German and Czech bloodlines.
Shiloh is a short-haired dark sable German Shepherd from the finest Czech bloodlines in the world. She is the daughter of famed Gazze von der Kleinen Birke, a top competitor of the WUSV World IPO Championships. Shiloh is very social with great drives and a beautiful appearance. Shiloh spends her time with her Companion Home family and loves playing with their three children.
Greta is short-haired all black German Shepherd from Impact Dogs breeding program (Shiloh x Max). Greta was selected for the amazing qualities she acquired from her parents and is a large female with an iconic physical appearance and structure. Greta has a lovable, social temperament and spends her life in our home with our small children and our retired retired Dam, Raja. She loves to play fetch and lounge on the couch. Greta is the granddaughter of famed Gazze von der Kleinen Birke, a top competitor of the WUSV World IPO Championships.
K-9 Cato served 7 1/2 years as a dual purpose police K-9 and retired at the age of 10. Throughout his K-9 career, Cato apprehended numerous felony suspects, located over 100 pounds of illegal narcotics, seized illegal guns and took back $10,000's in illegal drug money. Cato had extreme drives and serious work ethic. Cato's genetics were collected for selective breedings in the future. Hips & Elbow Good.
Joker Mir-Jar: Imported from Czech Republic for his incredible breeding qualities and extreme drives. Joker is a superbly powerful and large short-haired dark-sable working German Shepherd with a massive head and large bone-structure. Joker is extreme in every way; hitting like a freight train, with hard grips, over-the-top ball drive, hunt drive, and prey drive. Joker is able to kick into defense and guard mode as well. His offspring are geared towards police, ipo/schutzhund, detection, agility, and tracking work. Hips & ELbows good.